Wednesday, December 31, 2008

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

This year, time really flew fast. It seems like only a few days ago when I was on the last-day-of-the-year mode for 2007. Surreal. All brought about by the workings of the Gregorian calendar that let us live twelve months a year.

In 2008, things came in a blink. But they never left in an instant, they lingered. Impressions, lessons, hobbies, and - best of all - friendships.

This year, I finally felt like I am my own man – or independent so to speak. For years I have been living far away from my parents. And now, starting my own career gives me the sense that I am driving my own brand new car. Planning ahead makes me freak out, but my being ambitious makes it a very exciting game. Career plans. Investments. Future commitments. Yayks.

I’m now a banker, but in the university I was trained to be a scientist. I took MBB – that is, Molecular Biology major in Banking (it’s so funny how it fits). Being a trained scientist, it always thrills me to try new things. This year, I was a fist-timer in a lot of stuff. Surfing, dragonboat racing, swimming in Manila Bay, food tripping in China town, running 10km in a race (sorry I am weak), trekking Pinatubo, drinking almost 7 days in a row, enrolling in a Spanish class and never finishing it (pero intiendo, hablo, escribo un poco español), booking and paying for plane tickets and cancelling it a few days before the flight, birthday by the beach, fish-feeding in Anilao, blah blah blah... and the list goes on.

For 2009, I expect life to be much more exciting. New things to try, new places to go, new people to meet, same old good friends who make such awesome company, career growth, and more money (hahaha).

I initially wanted to write my own comprehensive year-end report like my friends have done. However, it’s now 9:20 a.m. and – guess what – I have work today. C*t* never sleeps.

I’m off to work now, happy new year to all!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


First of all I would like to greet everyone a merry, merry Christmas. Before I get started, I would like to make you laugh. Click on the link below and wait for it to load. It’s a surprise Christmas greeting. Thanks to Chester, Lawrence, Flaegil, and Jayson for their unfading support. Clap clap clap!

As always, this year’s Christmas is a day away from my family. But I shouldn’t fret as I am used to this, and I need some time alone after some stressful weeks at work and with friends. Anyways, my mom and dad are just a phone call away.

‘Tis the season to be chubby, fa la la la la la la la la la...

Christmas season is a time when people like to eat and drink and hate to exercise. It might be due the colder temperature, or the festive atmosphere, or the plethora of sweets and all types of calorie-loaded goodies given as gifts. Or in my case it is the lure of spending sleepless nights with my lifeaholic circle friends over buckets and buckets of beer, a pitcher of ice, and a glass. Well, when January comes, it’s time to shape up for the hot hot summer!

Being a lifeaholic

Sorry Chester, but I am the first one to write this new word in cyberspace. All future references shall cite me. Just kidding mate. All work and no play make Andrew a dull boy. So, so true. Work is so stressful. My company’s motto goes ‘C*t* never sleeps’ – and I don’t get enough sleep either. But I don’t mind getting my eye bags bigger or my headache more occasional as long as I am learning fast and becoming a better yuppie.

My stress levels are always high, so I always look forward to fun-filled weekends. Good thing I have dragon boat racing to keep my muscles from getting atrophied. Paddling in Manila Bay has never been this exciting, though I really had to make do with the filthy water. But hey, I guess I am already immune to whatever pathological bugs there are in the bay. Next year, the dragon boat races for the first quarter will be in Subic and Boracay. Hooray!

Being a lifeaholic – correct me Mr. Canoy if I am wrong – is striking a balance between work or study and play. And by saying balanced, I mean to study or work hard and play thrice as hard. That’s why my friends and I always exercise, drink, and enjoy our weekends. And we are not the shoddy type of students or yuppies at all.

Isang Pinggang Pansit!

Nakakatawa! This sketch in this year’s Live AIDS of UP Diliman’s Samaskom brought down the house. The delivery of the monologue by three different characters – a loser girl, a diva girl, and a gay kid – made the segment totally hilarious. Watch this in youtube (search ‘isang pinggang pansit’) and for sure you’ll spend the next ten minutes laughing your lungs out.

Happy 2009!

Watch out for those fireworks, and for those resolutions that may never be realized. Some say that the new year is a new life. Come one, we all have heard that big fallacy a gazillion times before. Lifeaholics would say that the new year is another good year to enjoy and be merry. Be positive. Be a lifeaholic!

Merry Christmas to all...

Something to add up laughter this season... Enjoy!

(Just paste the link to your browser.)

Brought to you by Chester, Flaegil, Lawrence, Jayson, and yours truly.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

How to set-up a TV anti radiation loop according to my lola

When I went home to my lola's place in the province last month, I saw another of her inventions: lola's television anti radiation ground loop.

To do this, get an empty cup that is made of plastic which is a perfect insulator. Fill it up with good soil and avoid mixing in too many stones as it will diminish its anti radiation potency. Buy yourself an anti radiation TV filter - make sure it has the wire with a metal rod ending - and install it to your TV set. Place the cup with 3/4 soil beside your machine at a distance of at most one foot. Finally, bury the rod ending in the soil inside the cup. Finally, you are safe from all the radiation that comes out from the TV screen, the soil sucks it all out.

Failed blog material? Quite. Don't get me wrong, I love my lola. It's just that she has her own ways of making sure the family is safe always.

And by the way, she changes the soil once a week. Don't forget to do the same. And never get the soil wet - it's dangerous she says.