Sunday, December 23, 2007

Finding Neverland

Think of happy thoughts, and you will fly!

Neverland. The land where children never grow older. The place I tried to find amongst the stars in a moon-lit night when I was younger.

Everytime I visit my hometown, I think of how my childhood went, and how I missed being a child. Every corner of my old house bears a memory that still lingers clearly in my mind. There was that wall with my first ABCDs, that small table I used for studying, those stairs I have stepped on since I learned how to walk, that sink which now have become very low for me, and that farm where I spent my best summer days.

I came home before Christmas to visit my parents and relatives. It's overwhelming how many things have changed in a matter of two years. People got older, and new faces in the family arrived. I too am not getting any younger - I'm turning 22 this week!

I thought Neverland is somewhere up above the sky, never to be seen. But I found it! I only have to think of happy thoughts - good memories - to bring me to my own Neverland.

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